How to Smartly Increase Your Income


Many adults have the goal in life to increase their income, and there are many ways to go about doing such. However, the phrase “time is money” comes into play: you want to be smart about how you go about increasing your income, or else you may end up using your time making very little by way of profit. Instead, let’s take a look at some smart ways to increase your income that are sure to make you feel more confident in the process but will also help you increase the money going into your pocket.

Consider Your Current Job

This can seem like an obvious way to increase your income, but one most people don’t often consider at first. Asking for a raise, though, can be a smart way to gain more profit, especially if you have both the time and the work behind your asking. Bring to your higher-ups what you’ve done that extends past your current role and how you’ve consistently met goals established for someone in your position. Keeping open to a possible promotion as well can be another way to stay with your current business while increasing your income.

It might also be time to consider a new job. If your current position does not recognize how much work you’re putting in and there are openings for similar positions at other companies that pay more, applying for the positions may be a wise move. Be careful to make certain you have the new position before giving your two weeks’ notice, though, lest things fall out from beneath you and leave you without a job for a while.

Make Your Passions a Side Job

Flexing your creative muscles, especially in things you’re passionate about, can be a great way to make a little extra money on the side. Consider opening an Etsy store for products you make for fun, such as knitted or crocheted pieces. Do you paint? Selling work, especially on commission, can be a great way to increase your income and can be done at your own pace, allowing you to work around your job hours. Any passion project you do in your downtime that creates a product can be sold on sites like Etsy and can make you an easy income from work that you enjoy.

Try Investing

Investing can be a way to increase your income that, so long as it has careful monitoring, can let you still focus on your own work in the meantime. The more research you put into what you want to invest in, the better decisions you can make, and apps such as Robinhood can make keeping track of your investments easier. Online businesses and stocks can be a good place to start when it comes to investing, as they have low overheads and are easier to manage. Reaching out to someone with more experience in investing can also prove useful, as you can then use their expertise to make informed investment decisions.

Looking for ways to increase your income, such as investing? I’m Keioffa, and I can help with that. You can also subscribe to my blog for more helpful information. Looking for a new career and considering working as a surgical tech? Check out my Youtube page and blog as well!

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