My Plan To Be Consistent In 2024

Happy New Year! 2024 is here and in full effect. In my last post, I discussed deep cleaning my house before the new year. Growing up in the African American community, we were taught that it was bad luck to bring in the new year with a dirty house.

The idea is to clean all the clothes and ensure the kitchen is clean.

While cleaning is a big part of bringing in the new year, the food you eat on New Year’s Day is also important. Eating collard greens and black-eyed peas is a staple for most American Blacks. The greens are thought to bring in the money, and the black-eyed peas are for luck. Even though cooking and cleaning are a huge part of preparing for the new year, cleaning on news day is entirely out.

In my last post, it was three days until New Year 2024.

And even though I was prepared to clean my house deeply, it didn’t do half the chores I had on my list. Yes all the clothes were cleaned I didn’t not fold them and put them away. The refrigerator is still in need of decluttering and a good wipe-down. Never mind that I sprayed the oven cleaner in the oven three days ago and have yet to finish the task. This is a problem!

Over the last few days, I have had conversations with people, allowing me to reflect on myself.

While talking to a friend, I realized I’ve not been consistent in a few areas of my life. Why is that? How have I allowed myself to create a habit like inconsistency? As I sat here and wrote this post, the word procrastination popped into my head.

Have I been procrastinating my way to being inconsistent? Seems like it.

How do I break these habits of procrastinating and inconsistency?

I wasn’t sure whether to start reprogramming myself to be more consistent and stop procrastination, so I asked my AI tool, JasperAI. I know that a little strange to most people but what’s the point of have a resource like a AI tool if I’m not going to use it? I’m not sure how others use their AI tool, but this seems to be the perfect chance to put this tool to the test. Can JasperAI help me overcome procrastination?

I’m not sure if this will work, but here is what Jasper AI had to say:

Procrastination and inconsistency can be challenges for many of us. Here are some strategies you might find helpful:
Set Clear Goals: Having a clear, achievable goal can motivate you to get started. Ensure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
Break Down Tasks: Large tasks can seem overwhelming. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks and tackle them one at a time.
Prioritize: Not all tasks are equally important. Determine which tasks must be done immediately, which can be done later, and which can be delegated or eliminated.
Time Management: Use tools like calendars, planners, and apps to schedule your time effectively. Try the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break).
Minimize Distractions: Create a quiet, clutter-free workspace. Turn off notifications on your phone and computer while you’re working.
Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule: Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and difficulty concentrating, contributing to procrastination.
Exercise and Eat Well: Regular exercise and a healthy diet can increase energy levels, mood, focus, and concentration.
Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help you stay focused on the present moment and reduce the likelihood of becoming distracted.
Seek Support: If you’re having trouble staying consistent, consider seeking support from a coach, mentor, or accountability partner.
Reward Yourself: Reward yourself when you complete a task. This can serve as motivation to get started and to continue working until the task is done.
Remember, everyone has off days. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not always consistent. The key is to keep trying and strive for gradual improvement.

After reading what Jasper suggested, I agree with what it said (I don’t know Jasper’s pronoun; I hope it doesn’t get offended.). I remember feeling overwhelmed about deeply cleaning the house for the new year. I even had a schedule that I shared with you all. Maybe I should have started the deep cleaning process a few weeks out instead of 3 days before the new year.

I was so overwhelmed by the task that I stopped halfway through. Where’s the follow-through?

Hopefully, creating the post will allow me to reflect on the habits that don’t serve me even more.

If you would like to help hold me accountable through this process, return to and check the dates on my post. If you didn’t post at least once a week, I would probably have fallen back into my old habits.

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