Start A Call Center Business In Jacksonville Fl Now

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gray wooden computer cubicles inside room
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Welcome to the blog post Start A Call Center Business In Jacksonville, Fl, Now. In this post, I will share with you why I have a home-based call center business. So I love being my own boss. For years I tried to figure out how to make money from home. See, I’m a single mom. Even though my son’s dad is involved, we live in different states. Because I didn’t always have help with child care, I had to find ways to earn money from home.

Around 2018 I had figured out how to work from home as a cosmetologist. But cosmetology, like any business, has ups and downs. One day, I talked to my client, and she mentioned that she worked for a popular cruise line company. So I asked her how she found that job.

Start A Call Center Business In Jacksonville Fl Now With Arise

My client told me that she went on a platform called Arise. She continued to explain that Arise is a platform that connects businesses to businesses. After I finished her hair, I went to my laptop to research the Arise platform.

While researching, I learned that I could take a class for any client and start working in about 4 weeks. According to the website, getting started would be a straightforward process.

Arise Platform Process Overview

  1. Create a profile
  2. select a client to service
  3. select a class time and date
  4. complete the assesment test
  5. Pay for class
  6. complete a background check and drug test ( not only client require drug test.)
  7. Start and pass class
  8. start working

Steps To Start A Call Center Business In Jacksonville Fl With Arise

To create a profile, go to click on the Signup For Work From Home sign in the top right of the screen.

Start A Call Center Business In Jacksonville Fl Now

Once you click the sign, you’ll be on the page to create a profile. On

On the profile creation page, you’ll be asked to enter a referral code. Would you mind typing in 1948060? That is the code to let arise know that I sent you to their website. If you sign up with the Arise platform and enter that code, I will get a commission. The commission comes from the company and is at no cost to you. I want to thank you in advance for helping me out. I really appreciate it.

After you have completed setting up your profile, you’ll have access to the Arise platform. At this time, you’ll be able to see the client opportunities.

Picking a client to work with is exciting to me. But I have a list of things to consider when choosing a client to service.

How I choose a client on the Arise platform

  • The first question I ask is how long is the course?
  • The second question I ask is how much is the client paying?
  • Another question is what are the class times?
  • What requirements does the client have?
  • What are the clients hours of operation?

These questions may not be important to you, but they are important to me as a single mom. The reason this set of questions are important to me is that depending on the answer. I will know if working with the client is something I can realistically do.

What I Like About my home-based call center business

The truth is there’s a lot of things i like about having a home-based call center business, but I name a few in this post. Let’s start with what i like about the Arise platform. Arise makes it easy to service clients on your time. Once you have finished your course, you are free to start working. Depending on the clients, you may or may not be required to work a certain amount of hours.

The client that I correctly service requires a 5-hour commitment on Mondays. This isn’t so bad because lately there has been an incentive to work 5 hours works on Mondays. Also, you don’t have to make a schedule in advance. What works for me is picking up shifts throughout the day.

My client offers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because there are always shifts available. So if you are a night owl, there’s something for you, as well as if you’re a parent with a small child squeezing in a shift during nap time.

Another reason I like having a home base call center is it’s straightforward. Unlike the other work-at-home businesses I have, the call center business is the easiest to start earning money. With my Life insurance business and my cosmetology business, I needed to know marketing to earn any money.

With Arise’s call center business, I can start taking calls and earn an hourly rate. However, if I want to expand, I can offer work-at-home jobs for people to work under my EIN. I’ll cover that in another post so make sure to return to my blog for that information.

Starting A Call Center Business In Jacksonville Fl Now has a A few cons

Even though there are several reasons I like the Arise call center home-based business idea, it’s not perfect. If you are going to service on Arise, there are a few systems requirements. The biggest one has the correct computer or laptop.

You’ll need a laptop or computer that has a strong processor. I’m currently using an HP 15″ Laptop with an Intel core processor 3, but I would suggest getting a laptop with an intel core processor 5 or better. The reason you need a computer or laptop with a high-speed processor is that the systems you’ll be using to service the client require a lot of power.

Another drawback is that you can only service when you are hard-wired into the internet. No wireless wifi is allowed when servicing on the Arise platform. This is to help the customer’s information from being hacked.

The last issue I would consider a con is that you can only service arise in the US and Canada. So if you are on vacation outside of the states and Canada, you will not be able to pick up shifts until you return.

Let’s wrap up

Thank you for reading my blog post on Start A Call Center Business In Jacksonville, Fl Now. In this post, I shared a few pros and cons to starting a call center business in Jacksonville, Fl. Additionally, I covered how to get started on the Arise platform so you can start your home-based call center business. If you would more help with starting a call center business with Arise, email me at Lastly, please feel free to share this post with anyone you think will help.

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